Tuesday at noon, Julia and I headed for Indianapolis, IN, for the Grand Chapter of Indiana. This is little 485 mile trip that takes about 4 1/4 hours of driving. With all the rain we have been having and the rain in Indiana we anticipate that it would take a little longer. Luck was with us and the only rain we had was just north of Columbus for about 20-30 minutes and that was not a hard rain. With two stops we were there in 4 1/2 hours.
The Grand Chapter session was at the the Marriott Center off of Post Road on the east side of Indy. It is a magnificent facility. Julia and I had a room in the new tower and all I can say about the room is "WOW!!". We were given the Dwight D. Eisenhower suite on the sixth floor. It was darned near as big as our house. We had a small conference room, sitting room with a 42" flat screen TV and a bed room with a 42" flat screen TV. When you add the bathroom, closets and the hall the suite was huge.
At 7:00 PM there was an informal dinner which about 90 attended. It was a very nice meal of roasted pork, roasted red potatoes and broccoli. Dessert was apple pie. Entertainment was a quartet of 5. They count different in Indiana. It was made up of members of the Valley of Indianapolis chorus. Excellent entertainment that lasted about 30 minutes. After the entertainment awards that we would normally give out at our Grand Banquet were presented. Many of these were awards of the General Grand Chapter.
Wednesday morning Grand Chapter was convened at 8:30 AM and introductions began at around 9:00 AM. Ohio had myself, REC George Shell, REC Ralph Curtiss, MEC Don Losasso and MEC Jean Justus, Jr. in attendance. Grand High Priests from Illinois, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Kentucky were also at the session. All of the visiting GHPs were given honorary membership in the Grand Chapter of Indiana. The session was quite nice and very well organized with things going as listed on the agenda.
At the lunch break many of the guests, including Julia and I, said our goodbyes and started for home. Julia and I joined the Shells for lunch at a Cracker Barrel across the street and then we headed home.
The trip home was about the same as going out. It took about 4 1/2 hours with two stops. We got home just after 7:00 PM. We got sprinkled on three or four times but believe it or not avoided any rain.
A point of interest. I bought gas in Medina for $3.84 a gallon before we left Tuesday. We got to Indianapolis and gas was $4.17. I had enough to get back to Ohio where I got gas for $3.79 just before we got to Dayton.
We had a great trip.
"till the next time.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Canton No. 84 Chapter Inspection
On Monday, 4/25, RECs Young and Nockengost joined me in traveling to Canton for Canton No. 84's inspection in the Most Excellent Master degree. As I have said before, Canton is a very large temple with the dinning room in the basement and a York Rite room on the second floor.
We started with a dinner at 6:00 PM. If I give you three guess as to what we had to eat, the Masons reading this will probably hit the menu on the head with the first try. Yep, swiss steak, mashed potatoes and green beans. This typical Masonic meal was very good. The portions were huge and the food quite tasty. Now if you notice I did not say pie for dessert. We had either banana or fresh pineapple foster sundaes!!!. It was made for each of us as we finished our meal. They were excellent and just what each of us needed to help us stay awake during the inspection.
At 7:00 PM the Chapter was opened in the Most Excellent Master degree in full form. This is the home Chapter of REC Richard Snider, DDGHP of the 18th District, so the guest inspector was REC Ross Black, 17th DDGHP. Introductions were done by the Eminent Prior of Ohio Priory #18, REC William Stratton.
Companions from the 17th District were there in force to help Canton Chapter with the work and with that help the Degree was done in fine form. One Candidate was from Canton and another from Kent Chapter.
All in all the night went very well, A VERY fine dinner, good degree work and roads that were dry for a change.
"til the next time
We started with a dinner at 6:00 PM. If I give you three guess as to what we had to eat, the Masons reading this will probably hit the menu on the head with the first try. Yep, swiss steak, mashed potatoes and green beans. This typical Masonic meal was very good. The portions were huge and the food quite tasty. Now if you notice I did not say pie for dessert. We had either banana or fresh pineapple foster sundaes!!!. It was made for each of us as we finished our meal. They were excellent and just what each of us needed to help us stay awake during the inspection.
At 7:00 PM the Chapter was opened in the Most Excellent Master degree in full form. This is the home Chapter of REC Richard Snider, DDGHP of the 18th District, so the guest inspector was REC Ross Black, 17th DDGHP. Introductions were done by the Eminent Prior of Ohio Priory #18, REC William Stratton.
All in all the night went very well, A VERY fine dinner, good degree work and roads that were dry for a change.
"til the next time
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Paschal Lamb time 2
Companions and friends over the last several years I have seen the Feast of the Paschal Lamb observed in 4 different Valleys. Each has its own way of doing the same drama. All of them are done well ritualistically but the floor work changes.
On Wednesday Julia and I attended the Valley of Toledo's Feast of the Paschal Lamb. The Valley of Toledo does things entirely different than the other three Valleys I have attended. The additions that they add to the Feast make it exceptional. The program was at the Franciscan Center in Sylvania. This is a large and extremely nice Catholic complex. The theater when the program was presented probably holds 1,500 people and there were, at my guess, some 300 plus in attendance. The program started with two air national guardsmen presenting the colors while "God Bless America" was sung. After the Pledge of Allegiance the program began with a trio of ladies singing "Amazing Grace". These same ladies closed the program with a hymn that I did not know. After the ladies left the stage the backdrop behind the cast was raised and DaVinci's "Last Supper" was portrayed by Brothers in costume and exactly as in the painting. The "Story of the Cross" was one done in an exceptional manner.
There were 17, that I could count, widows in attendance at at one point in the program they were asked to stand and were given roses.
At the front of the stage there was a cross on a green mound covered with flowers. As it turns out this was meant to represent a grave. When the program concluded the cast members each placed a rose on the "grave" just before they left the stage.
I almost forgot two things. It is terrible to get old and forgetful. At the opening a large screen is dropped and the pictures of the following are shown with their titles:
MWM Bradford Goebel, Grand Master
Ill Bro. John McNaughton, Supreme Commander
Ill. Bro. William Powers, AASR Deputy for Ohio
Ill. Bro Clarence Hartzell, Deputy's Rep. for Toledo
Ill. Bro. James Olmsted, Active Emeritus
Ill. Bro. Gary McElfresh, Executive Secretary,
James Himmelright, Grand High Priest
Pat Lively, Illustrious Grand Master
John Clime, Grand Commander
George Mitchell, The Imperial Potentate
Robert Secoy, The Potentate of Toledo Shrine.
The same screen was use during the Mystic Roll to list the Brothers that had passed to the Celestrial Lodge during the past year. Pictures of many of the Brothers were included.
All in all the visit to Toledo was worth the two hour trip.
On Friday Julia and I went to Cuyahoga Falls for the Valley of Akron's portrayal of the Paschal Lamb. Being a small Valley it can not put on the production that was done by the Valley of Toledo. What was shown was that the size of the Valley doesn't matter when it comes to ritual work. The work was exceptional, especially the "Story of the Cross" as done by Brother Terry Regenos. The Feast was directed by Brother James Amlung, M.S.A., who has done it for over 20 years and is again saying this is the last time. The only trouble is we think he means it this time.
After the portrayal we retired to the dinning room for what is a Valley of Akron tradition, hot cross buns.
Another good night.
"til the next time.
On Wednesday Julia and I attended the Valley of Toledo's Feast of the Paschal Lamb. The Valley of Toledo does things entirely different than the other three Valleys I have attended. The additions that they add to the Feast make it exceptional. The program was at the Franciscan Center in Sylvania. This is a large and extremely nice Catholic complex. The theater when the program was presented probably holds 1,500 people and there were, at my guess, some 300 plus in attendance. The program started with two air national guardsmen presenting the colors while "God Bless America" was sung. After the Pledge of Allegiance the program began with a trio of ladies singing "Amazing Grace". These same ladies closed the program with a hymn that I did not know. After the ladies left the stage the backdrop behind the cast was raised and DaVinci's "Last Supper" was portrayed by Brothers in costume and exactly as in the painting. The "Story of the Cross" was one done in an exceptional manner.
There were 17, that I could count, widows in attendance at at one point in the program they were asked to stand and were given roses.
At the front of the stage there was a cross on a green mound covered with flowers. As it turns out this was meant to represent a grave. When the program concluded the cast members each placed a rose on the "grave" just before they left the stage.
I almost forgot two things. It is terrible to get old and forgetful. At the opening a large screen is dropped and the pictures of the following are shown with their titles:
MWM Bradford Goebel, Grand Master
Ill Bro. John McNaughton, Supreme Commander
Ill. Bro. William Powers, AASR Deputy for Ohio
Ill. Bro Clarence Hartzell, Deputy's Rep. for Toledo
Ill. Bro. James Olmsted, Active Emeritus
Ill. Bro. Gary McElfresh, Executive Secretary,
James Himmelright, Grand High Priest
Pat Lively, Illustrious Grand Master
John Clime, Grand Commander
George Mitchell, The Imperial Potentate
Robert Secoy, The Potentate of Toledo Shrine.
The same screen was use during the Mystic Roll to list the Brothers that had passed to the Celestrial Lodge during the past year. Pictures of many of the Brothers were included.
All in all the visit to Toledo was worth the two hour trip.
On Friday Julia and I went to Cuyahoga Falls for the Valley of Akron's portrayal of the Paschal Lamb. Being a small Valley it can not put on the production that was done by the Valley of Toledo. What was shown was that the size of the Valley doesn't matter when it comes to ritual work. The work was exceptional, especially the "Story of the Cross" as done by Brother Terry Regenos. The Feast was directed by Brother James Amlung, M.S.A., who has done it for over 20 years and is again saying this is the last time. The only trouble is we think he means it this time.
After the portrayal we retired to the dinning room for what is a Valley of Akron tradition, hot cross buns.
Another good night.
"til the next time.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Sorry for no new posts
Companions and friends, I apologize for the lack of posts but I have been under the weather for the last week to 10 days. I have had an stomach problem that the doctor could not seem to get a handle on. Until yesterday the only place I had been since last Wednesday was the Doctor's office and the drug store. I saw the Doc Monday and got new drugs. He seems to have hit on the right combination of drugs. Since then I've been feeling a little better every day. Today I feel pretty good so Julia and I are off traveling tonight. We are going to Sylvania for the Valley of Toledo's Easter observance. A 2 hr & 10 minute drive west. Tomorrow is the Valley of Akron's Feast of the Paschal Lamb.
'til the next time.
'til the next time.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Medina Commandery #84 Stated
Last night was my Commandery's stated meeting. Medina Commandery meets at the Medina Masonic Temple which is less than a mile from home.
As usual we had a covered dish dinner at 6:30 prior to the meeting with approximately 25 Sir Knights and Ladies attending. Members of the Ladies Auxiliary take turns being the hostess of the evening and furnish the meat dish. Since this was the meeting before Easter we had the traditional ham.
At 7:30 PM we went upstairs and the Order of the Temple was conferred on one candidate. It was done in a very, very fine fashion with the help of Sir Knights from Akron, Wooster, Mansfield and Cuyahoga Falls Commanderies helping. Our Eminent Commander Dennis Lawson did a excellent job throughout the Order. A week ago was Medina Commandery's inspection and our newest Sir Knight, Andrew Gregory, took part in last night's Order. Thank you Andy.
Being close to home, a good dinner and fine ritual work made for another good night.
'til the next time.
As usual we had a covered dish dinner at 6:30 prior to the meeting with approximately 25 Sir Knights and Ladies attending. Members of the Ladies Auxiliary take turns being the hostess of the evening and furnish the meat dish. Since this was the meeting before Easter we had the traditional ham.
At 7:30 PM we went upstairs and the Order of the Temple was conferred on one candidate. It was done in a very, very fine fashion with the help of Sir Knights from Akron, Wooster, Mansfield and Cuyahoga Falls Commanderies helping. Our Eminent Commander Dennis Lawson did a excellent job throughout the Order. A week ago was Medina Commandery's inspection and our newest Sir Knight, Andrew Gregory, took part in last night's Order. Thank you Andy.
Being close to home, a good dinner and fine ritual work made for another good night.
'til the next time.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Urbana Chapter No. 34 Hosts 6th Dist. GHP's Reception
Well, Julia and I were back on the road tonight. We traveled to Urbana for the 6th District GHP's reception at the Urbana temple. Urbana is 142 miles south west of Medina and a 2 3/4 hour drive.
The temple is on Main Street in the heart of Urbana. It is a large 2 story building with the lodge on the 2nd floor, an O.E.S. room on the 1st floor and dinning room in the basement.
When you first enter the building you see the O.E.S. room. It is a large room that is permanently set up for O.E.S. meetings. The labyrinth is laid in the carpet and is very large. It is a great room for O.E.S. and one of only a few rooms dedicated to O.E.S. that I have seen.
The lodge room is a very large and nice room. It has a balcony entirely around the room and has some real nice furniture as the clock demonstrates
We had the famous Masonic meal of swiss steak, mashed potatoes, green beans and pie. The salad was a quite different cole slaw that contained apple and mandarin orange. It was really quite good.
The meal was prepared and served by the Ladies of Urbana Chapter 530 O.E.S. They did a super job and I thank them for a fine meal.
This year's High Priests were given their certificates.
The Most Improved Chapter, Most Outstanding HP, Workhorse and Most Outstanding Chapter awards were also presented.
A beautiful day to travel, a very fine meal, helping present awards and the generosity of the District made this a wonderful day.
"til the next time.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
I'm Home
We got home from Florida today around 12:30. We had a great time but I am glad to be home. I did not know how bad a mess two kids, 4 & 13 years old, could make of a van. It took about 4 hours to get the thing clean and that is just the inside.
We got to Floridia about 10 A.M. Sunday. The picture is the family at the Florida Welcoming cneter.
It was only 75 degree and not a cloud in the sky.
From here we went on down to Julia's sister and brother-in-law's place in Jensen beach.
It took about 30 minutes before we had the kids at the beach We spent Sunday afternoon and most of Monday here before going to Orlando and Walt Disney World.
Tuesday was The Magic Kingdom and Wednesday was Hollywood Studios. Magic Kingdom was really good but I didn't care for Hollywood Studio.
Some of you may be wondering how Julia made out walking all over the park. Well here she is on her faithful steed.
The big thrill of the trip for the kids was dinner with the Disney Characters. One of the hotels has a place called Chef Mickey's and we had reservations to eat with the characters. Dylan, being 13, was trying not to act impressed but Julia, just 5, was in heaven. Here are a few pictures.
One nice thing about the characters is that they sign autographics. Of course you have to buy an autographic book at one of the many, many, many Disney stores.
Thursday Audra and the kids went to Animal Kingdom while Julia and I were off to Auburndale. Both of Julia's parentas are buried there. It is only about 40 minutes from Orlando.
The trip was taken mostly for the kids and for Julia to get a break from 1st Lady of Capitular Masonry for a very short time. As you can see from the looks on the kid's and Julia's faces, is was well worth it.
Tomorrow we go back on the road for Grand Chapter with a GHP's reception in Urbana.
Good night.
'til the next time.
We got to Floridia about 10 A.M. Sunday. The picture is the family at the Florida Welcoming cneter.
It was only 75 degree and not a cloud in the sky.
From here we went on down to Julia's sister and brother-in-law's place in Jensen beach.
It took about 30 minutes before we had the kids at the beach We spent Sunday afternoon and most of Monday here before going to Orlando and Walt Disney World.
Tuesday was The Magic Kingdom and Wednesday was Hollywood Studios. Magic Kingdom was really good but I didn't care for Hollywood Studio.
Some of you may be wondering how Julia made out walking all over the park. Well here she is on her faithful steed.
The big thrill of the trip for the kids was dinner with the Disney Characters. One of the hotels has a place called Chef Mickey's and we had reservations to eat with the characters. Dylan, being 13, was trying not to act impressed but Julia, just 5, was in heaven. Here are a few pictures.
One nice thing about the characters is that they sign autographics. Of course you have to buy an autographic book at one of the many, many, many Disney stores.
Thursday Audra and the kids went to Animal Kingdom while Julia and I were off to Auburndale. Both of Julia's parentas are buried there. It is only about 40 minutes from Orlando.
The trip was taken mostly for the kids and for Julia to get a break from 1st Lady of Capitular Masonry for a very short time. As you can see from the looks on the kid's and Julia's faces, is was well worth it.
Tomorrow we go back on the road for Grand Chapter with a GHP's reception in Urbana.
Good night.
'til the next time.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Last Post for a While
Companions and friends this the last post for a week. Julia and I are taking the grandkids to Disney Land. Don't ask me what possessed me to do this, just pray for her and I.
I'll post next Sunday after we get home.
I'll post next Sunday after we get home.
Cuyahoga Falls Chapter No. 225 Inspection.
Thursday night Julia and I were off to Cuyahoga Falls for the inspection of Cuyahoga Falls Chapter in the Mark Master degree.
During the inspection the ladies had a program with vocalist Bonnie Baughman preforming. She does mostly inspirational songs.
Here are a few pictures Julia took of the Ladies.
The ladies gave Julia two gifts. Since they know she collects Santas she got one made of three boxes that you stack. It is really neat.
Gloria Tilden, Cuyahoga Falls' High Priest's wife, knows that Julia likes bubble baths so Julia got three bottles of bubble bath.
The Chapter inspection began at 7:30 PM when the Chapter was opened in the Mark Master. There were four candidates. There was supposed to be 5 but one could not make it from work. So that a class could be used, a protem candidate was added. The work was done in a fine manner and the candidates received a fine degree.
This picture shows the inspecting officer, REC Richard Snider, me, HP George Tilden, REC Ross Black, Eminent Prior William, Billy Dan, Stratton and the five candidates.
Each of the candidates was presented a 1/2 shekel as a memento of the evening. These were brought from Israel by Excellent Companion David Snyder who served as a guide for the Pastors that Grand Commandery of Ohio sent to the Holy Land.
Well another good night of great food, good Companionship, a fine Ladies program and good ritual. A fine night for any Mason.
"till the next time.
Mike "Big Mike" Bailey |
The evening started with a very good roast beef dinner including mashed potatoes, glazed carrots and pineapple upside down cake. Not only was the dinner good but the portions were man sized. The cooks were Kim & Mike Bailey. Mike is a PHP of Portage Chapter and a 33rd from the Valley of Akron.
Kim Bailey hiding behind the pans |
During the inspection the ladies had a program with vocalist Bonnie Baughman preforming. She does mostly inspirational songs.
Here are a few pictures Julia took of the Ladies.
The ladies gave Julia two gifts. Since they know she collects Santas she got one made of three boxes that you stack. It is really neat.
Julia's new Santa and her bubble bath |
Gloria Tilden, Cuyahoga Falls' High Priest's wife, knows that Julia likes bubble baths so Julia got three bottles of bubble bath.
Cuyahoga Falls lodge is about 24 miles from Medina and takes about 45 minutes to get to. It is a one story Lodge and relatively large. Two lodges, one Chapter, one Council, one Commandery, one O.E.S. Chapter and the Valley of Akron call it home. That many bodies makes the building busy.
The Chapter inspection began at 7:30 PM when the Chapter was opened in the Mark Master. There were four candidates. There was supposed to be 5 but one could not make it from work. So that a class could be used, a protem candidate was added. The work was done in a fine manner and the candidates received a fine degree.
This picture shows the inspecting officer, REC Richard Snider, me, HP George Tilden, REC Ross Black, Eminent Prior William, Billy Dan, Stratton and the five candidates.
Each of the candidates was presented a 1/2 shekel as a memento of the evening. These were brought from Israel by Excellent Companion David Snyder who served as a guide for the Pastors that Grand Commandery of Ohio sent to the Holy Land.
Well another good night of great food, good Companionship, a fine Ladies program and good ritual. A fine night for any Mason.
"till the next time.
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