The morning after the GHP reception in Sidney, Julia and I were off to Chillicothe for the 5th Districts GHP Reception. We had plenty of time so since Julia had never been to the U.S. Air Force museum at Wright Patterson A.F.B. we took a little side trip so she could see it. We spend about 3+ hours looking at airplanes and bombs. I had been there once before but I don't remember all the planes being there then.

Next we headed for Chillicothe and the 5th Dist. Reception. Since we were going to Ohio Masonic Home day on Saturday, we had reservations at a Comfort Inn for Saturday night. We got to Chillicothe around 3:00 PM which gave us time to drive around the town. It sure has some nice turn of the century homes.
We found the lodge, but then Julia noticed
something I had not seen but one other time, an Order of the Eastern Star Temple. It turns out that in the late 1920s the Lodge and the O.E.S. chapter had a misunderstanding that caused the separation of the two bodies. Two Presbyterian churches had united the O.E.S. Chapter purchased the extra building. Click on the picture and you will see that it still has the original stained glass windows.
Down the street and on the other side is the Masonic Temple. Like all Masonic Temples of it era, it is hard to miss.

This is a plaque beside the door. Just a little bit of history.
The dinning room is on the 4th floor and there are two lodge rooms, the Red Room and the Blue Room, on the third floor. While waiting for dinner to be served REC Curtiss and I were taken on a tour of the 2nd floor by REC Adams. There are more room, closets and hidey holes than imaginable. The armory is as big as some lodge rooms I've been in. There is a treasure trove of Masonic memorabilia in the building.
At 6:00 PM a dinner of salad, stuffed chicken breast, green beans, mashed potatoes and cake was served. He was a very nice dinner but the dinning room was not air conditioned and that made it a little uncomfortable. But it was only for a little time as we adjourned for the Red Room immediately after eating.
The original Chillicothe Chapter Charter hangs on the wall. I tried, but could not see the dates.
This is Past Grand Master Evans for the 1920s.
This beautiful old clock hangs just inside the door of the Blue Room.
Looking east from the balcony |
As you can see the room is large and notice the flags. These are the flags of all the states. I have never seen this in a lodge before.
This room is air conditioned as was quite comfortable for the district awards presentations.
Looking east from the floor |
Looking west from the floor |
State Flags on North wall |
Well Companions another good day of good food, good Companionship and no rain.
'til the next time.
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