The 2010-2012 High Priest received their Past High Priest Certificates from REC Ross R. Black. Of the six, three were first time High Priests.
The District Awards were handed out also. This year the Awardee not only got a certificate, but received pen set with a keystone plaque as the base.
It was not secret in the District, but REC Black did introduce both our new DDGHP and DEO. In the picture form left to right are Fredrick "Rick" Memmer (new DDGHP to be) and Terry Regenos (DEO to be).
There was a special award given at this meeting. EC David A. Wiley, from Medina County Chapter #243, is the Governor of Cleveland York Rite College. He and several other members of the College were in attendance ot present a "Gold Award.
The night ended with me receiving a pen set similar to that received by the Award recipients. I was also given a large Keystone Plaque that the 17th District normally gives the Grand High Priest. Mine was slightly different than the once given in previous years. Companions of the 17th District signed the back. I thanked the Companions for the gifts but especially for recognizing Julia a few minutes earlier. Without her help and encouragement at times this past year would not have been nearly as enjoyable as it has been. Thanks hon and I love you.
'til the next time.
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