I almost missed the most important posting of all. On Thursday, 9/8, Julia and I were off to Cincinnati to present a 70-yr award to Companion John Nullmeier of Cincinnati Chapter #1.

Before the meeting we had a nice dinner of fried or baked chicken with all the trimmings. I got to meet our recipient and he told me something I found hard to believe. In the 70 years he had been a member of the Grand Chapter of Ohio I was the first Grand High Priest he had ever shaken hands with. I thanked him for giving me that honor and was just tickled by it. He was having a hard time believing I drove from Medina to Cincinnati just to present him his award.
The East |
After the dinner we went upstairs for the meeting. It was Cincinnati's stated meeting so they had to open in the Royal Arch. The Lodge Room is a nice room with what I think has an unique paintings in the east and west. If you look about the chairs you will wee the sun rising and setting.
The West |
After opening and introduction I presented Companion Nullmeier his 70-yr plaque. He uses a walker to get around but believe me, he is as sharp as a tack and is 91years old.
This is my final presentation of the year and one I shall remember. Nothing is more enjoyable for a Grand High Priest than giving out service awards, especially 65 and 70 year awards.
I excused myself after the presentation because the drive home was 3 hours and 30 minutes and got rained on most of the way to the meeting. As luck would have it, we had dry roads all the way home for a change.
A great day.
'til the next time.
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