I found Wilmington Lodge with no difficulty. It is one of the old fashioned upstairs lodges in the center of town. You, however, have a surprise in store for you when you get to the Lodge room. I expected a small room but it is definitely not a small room. The ceiling must be 30 feet up and is painted blue. There are gold painted arches between the ceiling and the side walls that are quite nice.
I did take a picture of both the ceiling and the arches but the room was just a little too dark for them to turn out. Sorry! In the west there is a small balcony from which the RA slides are shown. There are two rows of theater type chairs on each side of the room. All in all it is a very nice Lodge and very well maintained.

Now came the second surprise. Before Chapter opened I was talking to the High Priest, EC Harless Maynard, and was informed that they had 12 candidates!!!! Wilmington Chapter had 5: Donnie Rockhold, Terry Poe, Rod List, Steve Johnson and Brian Johnson. Xenia Chapter had 4: Charlie Roberts, Tom Lowe, Tod Lucas and Kevin Basinger. Middletown Chapter had 1: Thomas Taylor. Victory Chapter had 1: Brad Gamblin. And Franklin Chapter has 1; Tim Ray. I thought I was at a York Rite festival. I have never seen this many candidates receive any degree in York Rite except at a festival. It was truly a wonderful experience.

Tonight I probably could have given out 4 or 5 of MEC Oliver's Red Cross pins, the degree was that well presented. I did give out two. EC Maynard, High Priest, and EC Ross, Principal Sojourner, did their parts exceptionally well and were presented the pins.
Because of the length of my drive home and the weather, I did not stay for refreshments. As it turned out the road was dry except for a short distance around Mansfield.
As I like to say, good trip, great degree and warm Companionship. What more could you ask for on a cold winter's night.
"til the next time.
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