Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Stuck in the Ice

Well here it is noon on Wednesday and the freezing rain is a thing of the past and the snow has again arrived.

I know a great deal of you are in the same position that we are in, but misery loves company and thought I might as well tell you how things are here in Medina. 

This morning when I got up at 6:30 AM I found my driveway and sidewalks coated with from 1/2 to 1 inch of ice and the temperature at 36.   Now the  ice on the driveway is so smooth that you can stand on it and the wind will take you down the driveway.   There was no safe way to get either Julia's car or my van out of the garage without fear of it sliding into the side of the door or the other car.   So I was left little choice but to try and clear some of the ice from in front of the door.   It took me over two hours of just chipping ice to open up what I call a landing zone for the van.  I have a spot about 1 and 1/2 van lengths clear in front of the garage door. Julia's car can stay in until the spring thaw.

The weather was supposed to be light snow with maybe an 1 inch accumulation.   They got it wrong again!  It has been snowing since 9:00 AM and we already have over an inch.  Wind gust must be around 30 mph so now the driveway is drifting over the ice.   Wonderful!!!   To make matters even more difficult the temperature has dropped steadily all day and we now are at 26 degrees with a predicted 7 degree low for tonight.  I would assume that I will get a call later telling me my Blue Lodge meeting is canceled tonight.

I think maybe I'll just go read awhile and watch the snow come down.

'til the next time

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