After the meal the normal District awards were given out which I always enjoy helping with.
After the District awards Julia was brought up and several gifts were presented to her. They knew that she collects Santa Claus figures and they gave her two cute ones.
As I have posted before, Julia has asked that the Districts donate the to Western Reserve Masonic Community dementia unit fund rather than give her gifts. The 11th District was kind enough to also give her a check to WRMC for that fund.
Last fall some of the Companions from Medina County Chapter #243 came down to Columbus to go the the Mark Master Cave degree. I was presented a certificate showing that I had went 55 feet below the surface for the degree in a cave once used by the Wyndot Indians. Here the District got a surprise. Julia's grandfather was 100% Wyndott.
The Grand Master of the 2nd Veil Ralph Curtiss got into the act by giving me a gnome that is dressed in red and carrying what looks like an apron case. It is a cute little bugger.
I then got a small replica of the Ark of the Covenant. On it is engraved my name, title and year of service. This has become a traditional gift from the district. It is a very nice memento of my year.
A really good dinner and good fellowship made for a nice evening.
"till the next time.
FOOTNOTE: When we left Grand Lodge it started to rain. God opened up the sky and tried to drowned us. We just got onto Route 161, about 2 blocks from Grand Lodge, and right in the middle of Worthington a big doe runs across the road in front of us. I had already hit one deer in my travels last year as Grand King. I definitely don't need to get another one.
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