Saturday morning it was off to Findley for Julia and I. This is a 100 mile trip almost straight west. The trip was a lot better than the Friday night drive. We only got sprinkled on once or twice but nothing major. Julia went along because we were leaving at lunch for Athens and the 13th District Grand High Priest's Reception.

The Findley Masonic Temple is a large and very nice facility. The fist floor is the dinning room, pool room, lounge and some offices. The Lodge room is on the second floor. This is a big room and really nice. Julia and I got there just in time for the Mark Master closing. As you can seen the east is not fancy but very nice. I did not any other pictures of the room because of the number of Brother wandering everywhere.
Most Excellent Companion Wayne Dill is the General running the show and it is ran well. Everything is done on time and according to the schedule. I saw the Past Master Degree and Most Excellent Master Degree before needing to leave for Athens. Both were done exceeding well.
Was it a successful event? How about if I tell you there were 40+ candidates. I would call that very successful. The Festival was in honor of our Eminent Grand Commander Sir Knight John Clime. I sat with John for the Chapter degrees and he was happy with the degree and was honored by the number of candidates.
At 11:45 Julia and I headed south for Athens. This was a journey of 172 miles south east.
'til later in the day.
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