Wednesday night was the first time I've been able to go to my own Lodge in over a month. We had two Fellowcraft give back their exams and they were done as perfect as any I've heard. Other than that it was mostly just a typical business meeting. RWB David Snyder had a train run over him and he is now in charge of our Past Masters' night in September. It was a close call for me as I was in the seat next to him. I sure am glad the train got him and not me. I'll be in the east and Dave will be in the west for the degree. It is something he and I both enjoy.

Some of the Brothers are redoing the dinning room and I want you to see how it is coming along. Think about how it used to look and how it now looks. The room looks bigger and is really bright. I can not say enough about the job the Brothers are doing.
After the meeting we had refreshments One of new Brother wife likes to do desserts so she one each month for us. I took one look at what he brought and decided I did not need anything that looked as rich as that. I took my part home and gave it to Julia.
One of the nice things about this meeting was the new Brothers on the sidelines. I actually had to walk around a introduce myself. It has been a long time since I did that at a stated meeting.
A good stated, met new Brothers and had unnecessary refreshments!
"til the next time.
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