Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Circleville No.20 Inspection

What you are reading is my second post about Circleville 20's inspection. I just managed to delete the first one.

George Nockengost and I left about 4:00 PM yesterday for Circleville which is about a 140 mile trip that took 2 hr and 15 minutes.

Circleville Lodge is located downtown and is on the third floor of the building. The Lodge room is very nice as can be seen in the pictures.

The ceiling has hand painted tiles around the border and the pipe organ in the west is very nice. I had been in the Lodge previously and knew something was missing but could not figure out what. Then it dawned on me. Murals. The last time I was there they had murals on the walls. As it turns out they needed repair and the cost was prohibitive and so they were painted over.

If you look in the left corner of the picture of the east you will see a white drop cloth. This is what the slides of the journey are shown on. If you look in the right side of the pipe organ picture you will see one of the old brass glass slide projectors. This is still used and the slides are quite nice. I was informed that the projector was modernized when they added electric to it.

The inspection degree was the Royal Arch and we saw another nice degree. There were two candidates with the third being REC Keith O'Dell who apparently needed a refresher course. I sill have yet to see a protem candidate and in fact I don't believe I have seen a Chapter have to "borrow" a candidate.

This picture shows REC O'Dell as a candidate, MEC Jean Justus as Jeshua, and PGC Tom Ramsey as the Principal Sojourner. It is nice to see Grand and Past Grand Officers helping do ritual work. It is especially nice to see PGC Ramsey doing actual degree work rather than something called an Order. Besides, he did a darn good job as Principal Sojourner.

The High Priest, EC Timothy Daulton, received one of MEC Oliver's Red Cross pins for good ritualistic work.

REC Adam, DDGHP for the 5th Dist., kept tell me about snow, freezing rain, wind and all kinds of inclement weather that was supposed to arrive around 11:00 PM. I think he was just trying to make sure my comments were short because there was none of that on the way home.

After the meeting we retired to the dining room for fellowship and refreshments. The refreshments were the normal sandwich, cookies and etc. The was one major difference and that was called home made chicken noodle soup. I mean to tell you we have a Companion who's wife can flat out make good soup. In fact that soup got me in trouble with my wife. She was still awake (really unusual) when I got home around 11:30 and asked how the the meeting went. I told her about the soup. I told her she made really good chicken noodle soup but not as good as what I had just had. You would think that after almost 50 years of being married to that woman I would have better sense that to say something like that. I will probably have to go back to Circleville if I ever want homemade chicken noodle soup again.
Oh well!   We had a easy ride down, saw a nice degree, had good soup and warm Companionship so what more could we ask for.
'til the next time.

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