Now thing go down hill! Not only do I approve violation of my own edict, REC Nockengost and I went to the convocation. Heck it is only 209 miles each way which takes 3 1/4 hours.
We got to Eaton around 5:30 PM and got to join the Companions for "refreshments" prior to the meeting. Now refreshments to me are coffee and pie or maybe a bowl of soup. These refreshments were fried chicken, jo-jo potatoes, sub sandwiches, chips and cookies. Needless to say, George and I had a good meal.
After refreshments we went to the third floor lodge room. The Lodge is a small, but nice room. It is rather long but narrow. Lodge, Chapter, Council and Commandery all meet here and one of the members asked if I could imagine doing the full form opening of Commandery in the room. It would be interesting to say the least.
One piece of furniture that I thought interesting was the easel used to hold the caulk board. I have never seen one quite like it. If you look closely you will see the "M" with the date 1885 below it. I assume this is when it was made. It is quite unique and beautiful.

At 7:00 PM the Chapter was opened in the Royal Arch degree and the work proceeded. Once again I saw fine, fine work. So far this year the worst degree I have seen is one that I would call adequate. The rest have been good to exceptional. I could not be prouder of the Chapters.
At the end of the work Eaton Chapter had 4 new Royal Arch Masons. And to make matters even better, all four are going to continue the York Rite journey by joining Preble Council and Jerusalem Commandery.
After the degree work it was my honor to present a 50-year pin to Companion Raymond Jones. Companion Jones spoke about DeMolay and how proud he was to be a Mason. He said he had enjoyed every minute of his membership.
He was thanked for his service to the Fraternity and given Grand Honors.
I may have allowed a Chapter to violate my own edict, but for a night like this it was well worth it. Once again; good food, good degree work and great Companionship.
'til the next time.
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