It starts with the arch that you see immediately after you enter the building. Inscribed on the arch is "Every Master Mason Should be a Royal Arch Mason" and no truer words have even been spoken.
The picture of the stairs is what you see as you go to the lodge room. It is a beautiful staircase with great picture on the landing.

The west has a large balcony seating area that is rounded. The west wall is rounded enough that you almost feel that the lodge room is round.
On the south wall there are Masonic emblems for all the bodies that meet in the building.

I dd check the van just prior to leaving but he had resisted temptation and all the lodge's treasurers remained intact.

Now that you have seen why I like the building so much lets get on to the inspection. The Chapter was opened in Royal Arch short form by EC Charles Karcher. After introductions I found out that EC Karcher is also Illustrious Master and Eminent Commander. Add to these jobs the fact that he is the Symbolic Lodge D.E.O. and is in the Consistory line. We have here one busy mason.
After the introduction Royal Arch was closed and a lodge of Mark Masters opened by RWM Karcher.
Right Worshipful Master in the Mark Master was REC Gerald Goodballot. This Companion is 85 years old, He is a Past District Deputy Grand High Priest, a Knight York Cross of Honor and an Illustrious 33rd degree Masons. I was speaking to him prior to the degree and he told me that he hoped he could remember what he was doing. HE REMEMBERED JUST FINE! This Companion did the entire degree, including the lecture, and had minimal prompting. It was an excellent degree in every respect.
The only disappointment of the evening was that a protem candidate had to be used. The Chapter does have two petitions but both candidates were out of town for work.

After closing we retired to the dinning room for refreshments of sub sandwiches, chips and beverage. The dinning room has a unique feature build in for speakers. Everywhere you look in this building you see something different.
Well another fine night of dry road, a great building, excellent ritual, fine Companionship and good food.
"till the next time.
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