Wadsworth Lodger #385, my home lodge, now has a new Worshipful Master, Brother Andrew Gregory. Worshipful Brother Gregory was install on Friday, November 12th.
Before the Officers Installation a dinner of chicken Parmesan, pene pasta, vegetables and cole slaw was served. And you can never guess who couldn't stay out of the kitchen. Yep, there's my wife Julia at it again. She and I have cooked so many meals in that kitchen that she thinks it is her's. The lady in the background is Dr. Glenna Jackson, wife of our Treasure Mark Jackson seen helping Julia. After dinner the Brothers retired to the Lodge room to open for the purpose of initation. The Lodge was called to refreshment and the Ladies invited in. We did get Julia out of the kitchen for that! RWB James Easterling, Senior Grand Warden was the Installing Officer and as you can imagine did a very fine job.

And here is our Lodge master chef, Michael Settle our Senior Deacon. This guy can flat out cook up a storm. I know that the Brothers thank him for all the work he does. He prepares a Lodge breakfast every two weeks with the help of a few of the Brothers. This breakfast is open to the public and the proceeds go to the Lodges scholarship fund. The Lodge awards at least 1 one thousand dollar scholarship to a Wadsworth High School student.
'til the next time.

And here is our Lodge master chef, Michael Settle our Senior Deacon. This guy can flat out cook up a storm. I know that the Brothers thank him for all the work he does. He prepares a Lodge breakfast every two weeks with the help of a few of the Brothers. This breakfast is open to the public and the proceeds go to the Lodges scholarship fund. The Lodge awards at least 1 one thousand dollar scholarship to a Wadsworth High School student.
'til the next time.

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