Last night REC Nockengost and I saw our first Royal Arch degree of the year. Warren Chapter #36 in Newark did an excellent job of portraying the degree.
As you can see in the picture the Lodge is not hard to find. They have signs that are hard to miss. The Lodge is an old lodge that still has a pool room, beautiful lounge and great furniture. I was told that they have a large and a small Lodge room and that we were meeting in the small room. The only problem with the small room is that it has purple seats and is painted purple. I'm sure that Most Illustrious Grand Master Lively felt right at home.
When I arrived I asked REC Paine what type of degree work I was going to see and he informed me that Warren Chapter only did good work. If the Royal Arch Degree I saw is typical of the Chapter's work, he is most certainly correct. There was almost no wasted time, very little prompting and all the paraphernalia was ready.
The only disappointment of the evening would be that of the three candidates, two were protems. The one candidate was from Horeb Chapter #3 and was receiving courtesy work.
Introductions were done by REC Randy Williams who is the Deputy's Representative from the Valley of Cambridge. He also worked in the degree. It is encouraging to see Scottish Rite and York Rite working together.
Receiving MEC Oliver's cross pins from REC Paine were EC Lyle Bowers, Jeshua; EC Randy Williams who gave the Scribe Lecture among others parts. I presented the pin to EC Mark Bruns, Principal Sojourner. This is the first inspection that three Companions have received this pin. That should underscore how good the work was.
The group pictures shows the number of Grand Officers in attendance. Notice there is Chapter, Council, Scottish Rite and Allied Masonic Degrees represented in the picture. This is a first for me this year. Note also that Council officers are wearing their jewells and aprons in a Chapter meeting. Both MIC Lively and I agree that Grand Officers can wear their aprons and jewells at either Chapter or Council meetings. I don't think I have been to an inspection yet that did not have at least 4 Grand Offices in attendance. I thank them for the travelling they are doing.
After the meeting we retired to the dinning room for light refreshments and fellowship.
'til the next time.
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